– Training and Membership Policies –

Terms and Conditions



Registration for Luxury Home Marketing courses is complete online (with a few exceptions, which will be identified on the training schedule). For in-person trainings, walk-ins are only accepted on a space-available basis.

The Institute reserves the right to close in-person training events when they reach room capacity and to honor the requests of hosts who wish to limit attendance to agents of their own firms.

Hosts may choose to have "private" sessions limited to their own agents or public sessions open to agents from all firms. Public sessions may have registration costs which vary based on whether agents are with the host firm or not. Hosts may also have early registration fees as well as regular and late registration fees. The registration fee is subject to change without notice at any time.

Marketing Directors and Branch/Sales managers may audit a training session sponsored by their firm for a materials fee. This fee is set by the host and may vary per event. The Institute requires a count and list of those auditing in advance of the course so that materials can be provided. Those auditing will be provided with handouts, however will not receive Institute membership.

Marketing Directors, Branch/Sales Managers, and assistants that are licensed real estate professionals may register at the full registration fee for the course to become Members of The Institute.


Current Members may audit the training on a space-available basis. The audit registration fee is set by the host and may vary per event to cover the cost of any materials and food provided. Auditing a training does not extend an existing member's membership term.


Agents who miss more than a total of 30 minutes of the training will not receive Institute Membership. Agents are not permitted to miss any portion of the training in order to earn any applicable CE credit.

Agents who persist in using cell phones, email, or texting or who are otherwise not attentive or are disruptive will be asked to leave and will not receive credit for the training, nor will they receive a refund.


Cancellations received at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the event are eligible for a full refund of the registration fees, less a $15.00 credit card surcharge.

Cancellations received from thirteen (13) calendar days to three (3) calendar days prior to the event are eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fees. The remaining 50% of the registration fees can be held as a credit towards another training.

Cancellations received fewer than three (3) calendar days prior to the event or "no shows" are not eligible for a refund, but 50% of the registration fees can be held as a credit towards another training.

In the event that The Institute cancels a training, it will fully refund all fees collected, or at the registrant's option, apply the credit to another Institute training.


If you successfully complete one of our training classes and aren't satisfied, tell us at the end of the program. You will receive a refund of the full registration amount within three (3) business days, no questions asked. Notification of dissatisfaction must be received in writing before 5:00 P.M. on the next business day following the completion of the training.


Membership is open to licensed real estate agents, members of NAHB, and ICREA-affiliated sales agents worldwide. To become a Member of The Institute you must successfully complete The Institute's Luxury Home Marketing Training course and be current in annual dues.

The cost of training typically includes the initial Membership period. In most cases, this Membership period will be one year. Some franchise brand relationships provide for two years of initial Membership. (Contact The Institute to see if your franchise has negotiated more than a one-year initial Membership.)

Currently, annual dues are $295. Dues payments are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERRABLE. Accounts more than 30 days overdue may be subject to a $50 reinstatement charge and/or late fees. These fees are subject to change and The Institute may from time to time waive the reinstatement charge or late fees at its sole discretion. A member's anniversary date is the date of completion of designation training and/or previous renewals. The renewal date is the last day of the agent's anniversary month. For instance, for an agent who trained anytime in January, the renewal date would be the last day of January the following year.

Earning the Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist® (CLHMS) designation

Completing training is the first step toward earning the Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist® (CLHMS) designation. Performance requirements must also be met. Members must submit a CLHMS application for review and approval. There is no cost for application submission. Once an application has been approved and the member notified that the designation has been awarded, the new CLHMS designee is authorized to use the CLHMS designation logo which is a registered trademark of The Institute. Logos come in various versions and may be downloaded from The Institute's website.

----Designation Application Period----

In order to be eligible to earn the designation, agents must be active Members in good standing of The Institute and submit their designation application with supporting documentation for review. Upon the application and supporting documentation is reviewed and approved, the membership account will be upgraded and new CLHMS designation materials will be available to the Member via the self-service Members Portal.

----Cancellation of Membership and Withdrawal of Designation----

The Institute reserves the right to cancel Membership or withdraw the designation from any member based on member violations of Institute policies, what The Institute perceives to be unethical or illegal actions on the part of a member, or simply at The Institute's sole discretion. Use of the CLHMS designation, GUILD recognition, GUILD Elite designation, and associated logos, when they have not been awarded, is cause for Membership cancellation with no compensation. Non-Members who use the designation or any Institute logos are subject to prosecution under Federal and international trademark laws and may also be subject to action for violations of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics.

----Designation, Trademarks, and Logos----

“Institute Member®,” “Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist®,”, “GUILD®”, and ”GUILD Elite” are registered trademarks of The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing® (ILHM).

Only active Members who are in good standing with The Institute and who have been awarded the designations or titles may promote themselves with the designation in text or using the designation logos. Designations may be used on promotional materials, business cards, websites, property brochures, etc. The designation and/or logo should be clearly associated with the name of the Member who has earned it. The standard practice is to list designations after the name of the individual, or individuals who have earned the designation. Institute Members who have earned the designation and allow their account to lapse will be subject to re-applying for the designation upon reinstatement of their membership.

You may never use our trademarks in the following ways: -In, as, or as part of your own trademark. -To identify individuals who are not active Members. -To cause confusion. -To suggest inaccurately that we sponsor, endorse, or are otherwise connected with your activities, products, or services. -To disparage The Institute or its Members. -In any other manner that The Institute finds offensive.

More information on trademark use policy can be found on The Institute's website.


In registering for this course, and in consideration of joining The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, I understand and agree to the following:

1. I understand that you may become a Member™ of The Institute upon successful completion of The Institute's training. As a Member™, you cannot use the CLHMS™ designation, or the GUILD™ recognition until it has been awarded to you by application approval and you, have been notified of being awarded in writing. Such misuse will be cause for termination of membership and possible legal action. You also understand that once you are awarded the CLHMS™ designation, GUILD™ recognition, or GUILD Elite™ designation, to continue to market or promote the trademark and logo you must maintain your Institute Membership by the payment of renewal dues.

2. I irrevocably waive any claim or causal action of law or equity that you may have in the future against The Institute, officers, Members, employees, or other persons cooperating with The Institute either as a group or individuals, for any act or failure to act in conjunction with your Membership or the business of The Institute.

3. If admitted to Membership in The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, I agree to abide by the policies as they currently exist and as they may be amended in the future by The Institute, as well as such policies and procedures as The Institute may promulgate from time to time.

4. I hereby consent and agree to allow The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing to contact me regarding membership matters via telephone, fax, email, and postal mail.

We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, and these Conditions of Use at any time. If any of these conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.


The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing
399 S Spring Ave,
St. Louis, MO 63110
